data cars; set; newmodel=model; run; Variable MODEL has length 40. What is the length of NEWMODEL? And to correct this, that I would need to use the rename statement instead of creating new variables. Rename doesn't change length, it only change the name...
Yeah, but all of that is fiddling with Syncthing, and I'm thinking this works with the usual default Syncthing for almost everyone since forever, so that's not the right variable to tinker with. I'm more thinking along the lines of are you using a different filesystem, some odd hardware...
ilikesas Barite | Level 11 Go to Solution renaming a variable inside a macro Posted 10-01-2017 01:35 PM (5419 views) Hi, I have the following macro: %macro varz(variable); data qc2; set qc; keep gvkey fyear &variable; rename &variable=&variable.._qc; run; %mend; %varz(sal...
Hi, I'm running a dataset filled with different gene mutations listed like AKT1 EL7K, AKT1 E49K, and AKT1 F55L. And I'd like to group them all into one variable named AKT1. This is what I had based on what I foudn online, but it hasn't been working. Data MCCAssign1;Set Combi...
Im attempting to have only one entry point for each operation(variable name: id) in my long dataset. One operation can include information on multiple lines (as for line1 and 2). Now it is in the format: Operation 1 Lead 1 Operation 1 Lead 2 Operation 2 Operation 3 I would li...
put 'Variable does not exist'; end; else do; rename count1 = amount1 count2 = amount2; put 'Variable is located in column ' check +(-1) '.'; end; run; 0 Likes 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION stat_sas Ammonite | Level 13 Re: conditionally renaming variables Posted 06-24-2014...
I have a dataset that I transposed, however, I am trying to rename an id variable (ptid) before I merge this dataset with another one. I don't get an error message but after running the rename statement, it does not change the variable in the dataset (and when I run a proc content...
I'm very new to SAS, and I'm confusing myself when it comes to renaming, formatting, and labeling data. I have a data set with the variable RACE, and I need to rename one variable, and then rename + combine 3 into 1. Would I need to use a rename statement, or a format stateme...