SQL Rename Table实例讲解 SQLRENAME TABLE用于更改表的名称。 有时,表的名称没有意义或因为一些其它原因需要更改。 重命名数据库中表的语法。 ALTERTABLEtable_name RENAMETOnew_table_name; 可以编写以下命令来重命名表(可选)。 RENAME old_table _nameTonew_table_name; 假设有一个名为Students的表,现在由于某...
RENAME OBJECT [::] [ [ database_name . [schema_name ] ] . ] | [schema_name . ] ] table_name TO new_table_name [;] syntaxsql Copia -- Syntax for Analytics Platform System (PDW) -- Rename a table RENAME OBJECT [::] [ [ database_name . [ schema_name ] . ] | [ schema...
1. RENAME TABLE old_table TO new_table; 1. 该语句等价于下面的 ALTER TABLE 语句: 1. ALTER TABLE old_table RENAME new_table; 1. 与ALTER TABLE 不同,RENAME TABLE 可以在一条语句中重命名多个表: 1. RENAME TABLE old_table1 TO new_table1, 2. old_table2 TO new_table2, 3. old_table3...
SQL 型 V4.3.0 参考指南 SQL 参考 SQL 语法 普通租户(MySQL 模式) SQL 语句 RENAME TABLE 更新时间:2024-05-11 23:00:00 描述 该语句用来对一个或多个表进行重命名。 该操作需要拥有原表的ALTER和DROP权限以及新表的CREATE和INSERT权限。 使用限制及注意事项 ...
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customer_address; CREATE TABLE customer_address ( ca_address_sk INTEGER NOT NULL , ca_address_id CHARACTER(16) NOT NULL , ca_street_number CHARACTER(10) , ca_street_name CHARACTER varying(60) , ca_street_type CHARACTER(15) , ca_suite_number CHARACTER(10) ) WITH (...
Azure SQL Managed Instance This article covers how to rename a table in a database. To rename a table in Azure Synapse Analytics or Parallel Data Warehouse, useRENAME OBJECT. Limitations Caution Think carefully before you rename a table. If existing queries, views, user-defined functions, stored...
RENAME TABLE teacher TO teacher_bak; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3、更新字段名 更新字段名:使用ALTER TABLE关键字。语法如下: ALTER TABLE 表名 RENAME COLUMN 旧字段名 TO 新字段名; 比如,修改teacher_name的字段名为teacher_nm,使用如下语句: ALTER TABLE teacher RENAME COLUMN teacher_name TO teacher_nm; ...
Note: don’t add the schema to the new table name. SQL Server does this automatically, and if you add the schema name, you’ll end up with a duplication in your name (e.g. dbo.dbo.sales instead of dbo.sales). Here’s an example. To rename the “employee” table to “person” ...
syntaxsql sp_rename[ @objname = ]'object_name', [ @newname = ]'new_name'[ , [ @objtype = ]'OBJECT'] 引數 [ @objname = ] 'object_name' 用戶物件或數據類型的目前限定或非限定名稱。 如果要重新命名的對像是數據表中的數據行,object_name必須是 formtable.column或schema.table.column。
RENAME TABLEtable-NameTOnew-Table-Name If there is a view or foreign key that references the table, attempts to rename it will generate an error. In addition, if there are any check constraints or triggers on the table, attempts to rename it will also generate an error. ...