Below we discuss how we can rename a table in MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server. MySQL In MySQL, we can rename a table using one of the following methods: Method 1 RENAME OLD_TABLE_NAME TO NEW_TABLE_NAME Method 2 ALTER TABLE OLD_TABLE_NAME RENAME TO NEW_TABLE_NAME For example, to ...
例如:SELECT firstNam,lastName FROM persons;从persons表中获取列名为firstName和lastName的列的值 SQL SELECTDISTINCT语句: SELECT DISTINCT 列名 FROM 表名; 例如:SELECT DISTINCT firstName,lastName FROM person;从person表中获取列名为firstName和lastName的列的值,排除其中firstName和 lastName都相等的记录 SQLWH...
Alter table 表名 add ( s_age number(3) ); 1. 删除列: Alter table 表名 drop( S_sex ); 1. 修改列: Alter table 表名 modify( s_id number(4) default null not null, s_name varchar2(10) default null not null ); 1. 2. 3. 4. 修改列名: Alter table 表名 rename column 旧列名...
RENAMETABLEcurrent_db.tbl_nameTOother_db.tbl_name;ALTERTABLEcurrent_db.tbl_name rename other_db.tbl_name; # 拼接SQL实现将某个数据库中的表全部转移至另一个数据库中SELECTCONCAT('rename table old_db.', TABLE_NAME,' to new_db.', TABLE_NAME,';')FROMinformation_schema.TABLESWHERETABLE_SCHEMA=...
Oracle SQL Rename Table To rename a table inOracle SQL, use the ALTER TABLE statement, in the same way as MySQL and PostgreSQL: ALTERTABLEold_nameRENAMETOnew_name; You simply add in your current table name and the new table name and run the command. There’s no need to specify the sc...
Always use the latest version ofSQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Rename a table InObject Explorer, right-click the table you want to rename and chooseDesignfrom the shortcut menu. From theViewmenu, chooseProperties. In the field for theNamevalue in thePropertieswindow, type a new name ...
'RENAME TABLE `_new_table` TO `', CURDATE(), @tablename, '`' ); PREPARE STMT FROM @QUERY; EXECUTE STMT; Here is the error I'm getting... 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; yada yada MariaDB right syntax to use near 'NULL; at line 1 ...
where(a.owner,a.view_name)in (selectowner,name fromdba_dependencies b whereb.referenced_name='DH_T' andb.referenced_owner='DBMON' andb.type='VIEW') 权限重建:能够使用例如以下语句 select 'grant ' || PRIVILEGE || ' on ' || owner || '.' || table_name || ...
Ifold_tableis referenced by a view in the current database, the view definition is updated in thesysviewssystem catalog table to reflect the new table name. For further information on thesysviewssystem catalog table, see theIBM® Informix Guide to SQL: Reference. ...
CreateTable 向下 DropColumn DropForeignKey DropIndex DropPrimaryKey DropStoredProcedure DropTable 等于 GetHashCode GetType MemberwiseClone MoveStoredProcedure MoveTable RenameColumn RenameIndex RenameStoredProcedure RenameTable Sql SqlFile SqlResource ToString ...