Renames a folder on the specified instance of SQL Server. C# 複製 public void RenameFolderOnSqlServer (string strParent, string strOldName, string strNewName, string strServerName, string strServerUserName, string strServerPassword); Parameters strParent String The name of the parent folder. ...
適用対象: SQL Server Azure SQL データベース Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics Microsoft Fabric の SQL 分析エンドポイント Microsoft Fabric のウェアハウス現在のデータベース内のユーザー作成オブジェクトの名前を変更します。 このオブジェクトには、テーブル、インデックス、...
例如,您可以将名为 VS1\instance1 的虚拟服务器更改为其他名称(例如 SQL35\instance1),但是名称的实例部分 (instance1) 将保持不变。 开始重命名进程之前,请阅读下列各项。 SQL Server 不支持对复制所涉及的服务器进行重命名。 如果主服务器永久丢失连接,则可以重命名日志传送中的辅助服务器。 ...
EXEC sp_dropserver '<old_name>'; GO EXEC sp_addserver '<new_name>', local; GO Restart the instance of SQL Server. For a renamed computer that hosts a named instance of SQL Server, run the following procedures: SQL EXEC sp_dropserver '<old_name\instancename>'; GO EXEC sp_addserver...
SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance This article covers how to rename a table in a database. To rename a table in Azure Synapse Analytics or Parallel Data Warehouse, useRENAME OBJECT. Limitations ...
When a SQL Server instance is part of a failover cluster, the process of renaming the virtual server differs from that of renaming a stand-alone instance. For more information, seeHow to: Rename a Computer that Hosts a Stand-Alone Instance of SQL Server. ...
Learn how to rename a user-defined database in SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, or Azure SQL Managed Instance.
Restart the instance of SQL Server. For a renamed computer that hosts a named instance of SQL Server, run the following procedures: Copy sp_dropserver <'old_name\instancename'> GO sp_addserver <'new_name\instancename'>, local GO Restart the instance of SQL Server. ...
I have a machine at work that has an instance of sql server named after the former developer, namely machinename\rrodriguez Lowell asked whether it is possible to rename a named instance and the answer is impossible unless reinstall it. ...
applications removing an application instance from a team space when it is not needed anymore chemaxon synergy history of changes document to structure document to structure user guide configuring osr tools for document to structure document to structure developer guide code examples code document to ...