迁移就像是数据库的版本控制, 允许团队简单轻松的编辑并共享应用的数据库表结构,迁移通常和 Laravel 的 ...
Compile a rename column command. static TableDiff getRenamedDiff(Grammar $grammar, Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $command, Column $column, AbstractSchemaManager $schema) Get a new column instance with the new column name. static TableDiff setRenamedColumns(TableDiff $tableDiff, Fluent $command, ...
如果你之前尝试过迁移,但在中间失败了,或者如果你之前回滚过,但没有执行create table迁移,那么你可能...
(multi-site hosting configuration). • Ensure that both websites are fully functional and accessible after the migration. 2. Environment Details: • Source site: The website is currently hosted on cPanel and has a registered domain. • Targetserver: The Linuxserveralready hosts one ...
Compile a rename column command. static TableDiff getRenamedDiff(Grammar $grammar, Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $command, Column $column, AbstractSchemaManager $schema) Get a new column instance with the new column name. static TableDiff setRenamedColumns(TableDiff $tableDiff, Fluent $command, ...
Compile a rename column command. static TableDiff getRenamedDiff(Grammar $grammar, Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $command, Column $column, AbstractSchemaManager $schema) Get a new column instance with the new column name. static TableDiff setRenamedColumns(TableDiff $tableDiff, Fluent $command, ...
Compile a rename column command. static TableDiff getRenamedDiff(Grammar $grammar, Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $command, Column $column, AbstractSchemaManager $schema) Get a new column instance with the new column name. static TableDiff setRenamedColumns(TableDiff $tableDiff, Fluent $command, ...
Compile a rename column command. static TableDiff getRenamedDiff(Grammar $grammar, Blueprint $blueprint, Fluent $command, Column $column, AbstractSchemaManager $schema) Get a new column instance with the new column name. static TableDiff setRenamedColumns(TableDiff $tableDiff, Fluent $command, ...