Effects of Endothelium-Derived Nitric Oxide on Renal Hemodynamics and Function in the Sheep Fetus G U Y A. BOGAERT, BARRY A. KOGAN, AND ROBERT A. MEVORACH Department of Urologq: Universityof CalijorniaSchool of Medicine, Sun Francisco, Calijornia 94143-0738 ABSTRACT. We investigated the ...
The authors are grateful to Drs. Alexandre Loupy and Declan de Freitas for discussions and critical review of the manuscript. We thank Dr. Zija Jacaj for help with collection of the clinical data; and Kara Allanach, Vido Ramassar and Anna Hutton for technical support. Funding This research ...
Given that the consensus site for sumoylation and the Type 2 mutations are near and in order to confirm that RSUME retains its action on VHL mutants when their sumoylation is affected, we generated plasmids expressing both VHL disease variants and the K171R mutation (VHLY112H/K171R, VHLR...
Several of the co-authors are employees of Pfizer, as indicated in the author affiliations, and Drs. Motzer, Michaelson and Rini have received research support from Pfizer. In addition, Dr. Rini has received consulting fees from Pfizer, and Dr. Michaelson has received lecture honoraria from Pfi...