Open surgical reconstructions were still performed in approximately 10 % of the cases. Thus, the capacity and the surgical skills to perform arterial reconstructions should be maintained in the future.Kuehnl, A.Tech Univ MunichSoellner, H.
Renal artery stenosis has always been considered a clinical problem and detrimental to kidney function. Recently, we have found a few reports of cases of patients with hypertension in which one kidney is affected with a moderate amount of RAS and the other kidney has a normal renal artery. Une...
percutaneous transluminal renal arterial stenting RAS: renal artery stenosis RCT: Randomised controlled trial RDS: renal duplex sonography RI: resistance index RVD: reference vessel diameter SADE: Serious adverse device effect SAE: Serious adverse event SCr: serum creatinine sec: Second TL...