At Evander Childs High School in the Bronx, American blacks and Ja- maicans often fight. After a brawl that ended with one combatant stabbed in the chest, neck, and back, a 16-year-old Jamaican explained, "Most Jamaicans Continued on page 3 American Renaissance -1- April 2009 post-...
The four, San Bernadino County, California, Su- pervisor Josie Gonzales, Lynwood, Cali- fornia, Mayor Ramon Rodriguez, Bronx Borough President Adolfo Camon, and Delaware State Representative Joseph E. Miro, issued a statement calling on Presi- dent Bush to "openly declare that he is against ...
The King family has recently been at odds with the National Park Service, which runs the five-block-long Martin Luther King National Historic Site (which surrounds, but is different from, the King Center). The Park Service recently bought land on which to build an $11 million visitors cente...