Walking around the streets of the Jewish ghetto means immersing oneself in the rich cultural dialogue between Hebrew culture, the predominant Christian culture and the Renaissance Itinerary 4 - The wonders of Este art Renaissance art reflected the new centrality of mankind, an awareness that inspired...
In the heart of Firenze, Italy’s cradle of culture and art, Lorenzo il Magnifico, heir to the Medici Family, sits on his throne of riches. After having conquered the economic power of Italy, the Lord of Florence senses a new threat coming, meant to jeopardize his ruler’sstatus quo. Wi...
With more than 35 international media art positions,Renaissance 3.0provides insights into artistic laboratory situations and artistic-scientific collaborations. In doing so, the exhibition creates a space for a new culture of tools and a multidisciplinary field of knowledge for the twenty-first century—...
Culture:Islamic, from Spain Date:c. 1550 C.E. Medium:Gold and enamel Museum:Metropolitan Museum of Art France, European Renaissance PrudencePendant This cameo pendant is entitledPrudence, a design created by the French artist Etienne Delaune in 1550-1560 AD. It is currently housed in the Metro...
the Renaissance was a period of great social and cultural change. Influenced by Humanism, the Renaissance affected its contemporary culture in uncountable ways, including the visual arts. Some of the most famous Renaissance art works were created by artists such asLeonardo da Vinci, Raphael andMiche...
The Renaissance Performing Arts Association is the engine that fuels art and cultural experiences for both those who’ve spent their lives engaged with the arts and those who are just beginning to experience the benefits arts and culture has in creating a well-rounded, rich life. And while ...
Two years earlier, Charles V abdicated the Spanish throne and Philip II took over.ART AND CULTUREOne of the institutions that began to decline was the Catholic Church. Religion was still important, however. New religions and ways of thinking were being discussed. Martin Luther had broken away ...
Fine Art Touch is devoted to the exploration of Italian Renaissance Art and art in all its forms. Italian Renaissance artists changed the course of art history.
Using an Art Camera to scan the painting, Google produced the highest-resolution scan of da Vinci's The Last Supper at 1 billion pixels, and made it available online. Google Arts & Culture partnered with England’s Royal Academy of Arts to create the scan, which is actually t...
published by Oxford University Press. Kang has been awarded the British Council Alumni Award for Culture and Creativity in 2022. She participated in several conferences and symposiums including SIGGRAPH and NEXUS Pavilion, organized by La Biennale di Venezi...