How many diagnostic tests are there in Star Phonics? Learn more about Star Phonics at How long will it take to give a Star Phonics assessment to my students? Lalilo Literacy Minutes View All Freckle for ELA Literacy Minutes View All Cust...
We start with the student, and we address teacher values and needs. Like all of us, when students see the results of their work–and feel it–they are motivated to grow. The latest from Renaissance Our mission To accelerate learning for all children and adults of all ability levels and et...
What is Renaissance myON® News, Powered by News-O-Matic? myON News engages students in daily nonfiction reading with high-interest news articles that expand their knowledge of the world while building their content-area, digital, and media literacy skills. With five age-appropriate news articl...
Scores from norm-referenced tests are used to compare students’ progress to others in their peer group. Read more –P – Productive Struggle Productive struggle is developing strong habits of mind, such as perseverance and thinking flexibly, instead of simply seeking the correct solution. ...
This year, for the first time, Georgia high school seniors had to pass a state-wide standardized test in order to get their diplomas. Of the 3,400 students who failed, 2,300 were black; 10 percent of blacks failed while only two percent of whites did. Educators profess themselves baffled...
In its arguments before the Supreme Court, the university claimed that the diversity it achieved by admitting underqualified minorities was of great value for students, but its own internal documents cast doubt on that claim. In March 1990, the university commissioned a study on the effects of ...
Sir — The "Flynn Effect"—constant- ly rising scores on tests of reasoning ability—discussed by "Hippocrates" in the August issue of AR is indeed baf- ƀKPI+JCXGDGGPTGCFKPICPFVJKPMKPI about it for two decades and have not DGGPCDNGVQſPFCP[VJKPIVJCVCRRTQZK-...
(which would be equivalent to most of today’s Hispanics) continued to score low on intelligence tests, committed more crimes, and stayed poor. What the Boas movement did was reject biological explanations for these differences and assert that environment was everything. The facts never changed; ...
ManyMexican immigrantscould be similarly described. Nonetheless, the myth of the peaceful oldCalifornioturned avenger for his oppressed people persists as demonstrated by the legend of Joaquin Murrieta. Most of what California students are told today about Murrieta comes from a wildly fictional tale cre...
Not surprisingly, the “fair-lending” task force thrives under Mr. Obama; Eric Holder’s Justice Department is investigating as many as 60 banks for allegedly discriminating against non-whites (see “Here We Go Again,” AR September 2011). This means that even after all the country has been...