Explore el mundo desde un hotel Renaissance. Renaissance le permite disfrutar como un local desde un entorno con comodidades modernas y navegadores expertos.
网络复活;文艺复兴时期;万丽 复数:renaissances 同义词 反义词 n. rebirth,new start,new beginning,resurgence,revitalization 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 renaissance 显示所有例句 n. 1. 文艺复兴(欧洲 14、15 和 16 世纪时,人们以古希腊罗马的思想文化来繁荣文学艺术)the period in Europe during the 14th...
RENAISSANCE LOCATIONS Discover genuine local experiences at our 160+ hotels worldwide. Learn more Discover this way Discover the unexpected with Renaissance Hotels, where we invite our guests to take a journey through the neighborhoods that surround each of our hotels, with the help of our on-site...
TheRenaissancemasters turned geometry from a craft into the liberal art of perspective. 文艺复兴时期的大师们将几何从一门手艺变成了透视画法的一门艺术. 期刊摘选 The ItalianRenaissanceblossomed and this was by no means impossible. 意大利文艺复兴欣欣向荣,这绝不是不可能的. ...
Renaissance Ranks #24 on Fast Company List of 100 Best Workplaces for Innovators Company also recognized as a finalist on the Women Innovators and US lists, a further testament to its uniquely innovative culture. Read more Renaissance Unveils Major Suite of Product Innovations, Including the All-...
renaissance 网络解释 1. 文艺复兴时期:今天有同事问我,文艺复兴时期(Renaissance)是哪个世纪,我完全记不起来,顺口胡诌:16世纪. 由于我对知识的强迫症,回酒店一查,居然正确,真是美妙的直觉. renaissance 双语例句 1. 1. The new museum joins something of a small Peranakan renaissance in the city state. ...
9.Uh, people like moi who go torenaissancefairs and civil war reenactments and pirate festivals. 还有我这种 去参加文艺复兴展 还有内战重演和海盗节 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词renaissance的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。
Renaissance’s unique, open, and connected preK–12 instructional ecosystem allows teachers to make data-driven, research-backed decisions with confidence, personalize the learning experience for each individual student, and spend more time on what’s most important: teaching. ...