The Ren & Stimpy Show: Created by John Kricfalusi, Bob Camp, Jim Gomez, Ron Hauge, Jim Smith, Bill Wray, Chris Reccardi, Lynne Naylor. With Billy West, Harris Peet, Bob Camp, Cheryl Chase. Ren, a psychotic Chihuahua, and Stimpson J. Cat, a dimwitted Manx
The principal characters inThe Ren & Stimpy Showcontinue the “funny animal” tradition in cartoons. Ren Hoek is a scrawny, psychotic Chihuahua given to fits of towering rage and comic exasperation. He’s also too smart for his own good. Whenever he sets out to get the better of someone, ...
Ren was often on the receiving end of the worst things on Ren and Stimpy, but he deserved it. You see, Ren was all about making Stimpy his punching bag.
Ren was often on the receiving end of the worst things on Ren and Stimpy, but he deserved it. You see, Ren was all about making Stimpy his punching bag.
Ren was often on the receiving end of the worst things on Ren and Stimpy, but he deserved it. You see, Ren was all about making Stimpy his punching bag.