An improved diesel fuel monitor system that determines a specified level of water trapped in a component of the system and disposes of said water, said water having been separated from the fuel being pumped in the engine fuel line hookup. The system consists of a device to monitor the ...
Removing water haze from distillate fuels 发明人: FELDMAN, NICHOLAS 申请人: 申请日期: 1976-01-22 申请公布日期: 1977-01-11 代理机构: 代理人: 地址: 摘要: Undesirable haze that occurs in a distillate fuel, such as a diesel fuel, a jet fuel or a heating oil, as a result of emulsi...
If correctly operated, the ship’s fuel oil system is effective at removing significant levels of cat fines. Ensure that fuel oil sludge drains are not recycled for diesel engine consumption via the settling tank. Cat fine content can be reduced by blending in fuel oil with a lower cat fine...
PURPOSE: To prevent suction of water and air by detecting that the volume of water separated from the diesel oil in a water collecting tank is above a warning threshold and actuating an electric draining pump at engine start-up. CONSTITUTION: Diesel oil G in a tank 1 is driven by a diese...
A process for removing Soot from the exhaust gas of a diesel engine by oxidizing the nitrogen monoxide present in the exhaust gas to nitrogen dioxide, Separating the Soot from the exhaust gas Stream and oxidizing the Soot using the nitrogen dioxide produced. The process is performed in at least...
A pressure reducing valve (6) of an accumulation type fuel injection system of a multi-cylinder diesel engine opens during an engine starting operation or an idling operation immediately following the engine starting operation for a period corresponding to cooling water temperature or fuel temperature....
Wax deposition is one of the most challenging flow assurance issues in oil production processes. The related problems span from reservoirs to refineries, b
A process for removing a nitrogen compound from a fuel feed, such as vacuum gas oil or diesel fuel, wherein the process includes contacting the fuel feed comprising the nitrogen com
from diesel engines. The filter is thermally isolated from the canister, and preferably is surrounded by an annular monolith comprising the NO oxidation catalyst or a SCR catalyst. The invention facilitates the combustion of PM even at low exhaust gas temperatures, in a compact device....
Hydrogen fuel cells significantly reduce CO₂ emissions in commercial vehicles. Nuvera designed the engine control system with MATLAB and Simulink.