Subject st: Removing space from string variable Date Thu, 12 Apr 2012 17:08:55 -0500Hi all, I have a question about removing leading and trailing spaces. I imported excel file: import excel using “myfile.xlsx”, first clear Some observations of the variable “brand” have leading or tra...
st: Removing space from string variable From: Mike Kim <> Re: st: Removing space from string variable From: "Dimitriy V. Masterov" <> Prev by Date: Re: st: Removing space from string variable Next by Date: st: SUREG with linear constraints ...
Comparing String When comparing strings, you may need to focus on the meaning of the two strings, regardless of leading or trailing spaces. For this reason, it is useful to trim them before a comparison operation: Copy 1SELECT*2FROMposts3WHERETRIM(tag) = TRIM("Technology "); ...
There are a few different ways you can remove whitespace from strings in Java. Here are a few options: Using the replaceAll method:
In this example, we are removing the leading trailing whitespace from a place string. public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { String place = " Manhattan "; String trimStr = place.trim(); System.out.println(trimStr); } } Output: "Manhattan" Similarly, you can also...
set theString to "What is the easiest way to remove the spaces from a string or replace them with underscore?" set L to length of theString set P to the offset of space in theString repeat until P = 0 if P = 1 then set theString to "_" & text 2 through -1 of theString...
I have a code which is removing special character and unnecessery spaces from the string. but it also removing apostrophe which Is not correct. declare @RawDescription as nvarchar(255)='sustainability /* ener*#@gys' WHILE PATINDEX('%[^ 0-9A-Za-z]%', @RawDescription) > 0 ...
How to trim whitespace from a Bash variable?, In order to remove all the spaces from the beginning and the end of a string (including end of line characters): echo $variable | xargs echo -n This will … Remove last space from line ...
Removing all entries from the StringDictionary in C - To remove all entries from the StringDictionary, the code is as follows −Example Live Demousing System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; public class Demo { publi
How to remove newlines and indents from a string in, I tried this: def formattedQuery (query): lines = query.split ('\n') for line in lines: line = line.lstrip () line = line.rstrip () return ' '.join (lines) and it did remove newlines but not spaces from the indents. Please...