Do it yourself: ; Removing rust stains from hardwood floors takes bleachGene Austin
My invention relates to methods of removing stains from fabrics and has as an object the provision of a method of removing from fabrics stains, soluble in alcohol, made by inks, iodine and the like without leaving the objectionable rust-like stain which the use of conventional solutions and.....
Rust removers are acidic. Vinegar is acetic acid. You can also try lemon juice which is citric acid. For stains at the bottom of the bowl, empty all the water out of the toilet and pour in straight vinegar high enough to cover the stain. Then just let it sit until gone. Use a ...
Engine ultrasonic cleaning machine:Car Parts Degreasing Ultrasonic Cleaners;machine type:Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaner;Applicable Industries:hotels;Applicable Industries:Building Material Shops;Applicable Industries:Manufacturing Plant;Applicable Industr
This short article describes the solution to a problem involving suspected rust (iron oxide) stains on recently defleshed marine mammal (manatee) bones. The origin of the stains was determined to have been the steel oil drums in which the specimen was macerated. Conventional preparation and ...
The washing device for removing rusts and stains has the advantages of simple structure, convenient assembly and disassembly, environment-friendliness, short time for removing rusts and stains, and good effect on removing rusts and stains.
Compound for removing rust spots or stains from fabricsWilliam H. Payne
Method of removing rust stains in clothes utilizing kamias (Averrhoa bilimbi) juice and salt comprising the steps of: gathering of rust stained clothes and placed it in a container, extracting the kamias juice, using a juice preferably 5 kilo grams producing 300 ml. of kamias juice; soaking ...
Method of removing rust stains in clothes utilizing kamias (Averrhoa bilimbi) juice and salt comprising the steps of: gathering of rust stained clothes and placed it in a container, extracting the kamias juice, using a juicer preferably 5 kilo grams producing 300 ml. of kamias juice; soaking ...