Tool for use in removing postage stamps from waterdoi:US3282620 ACarmeleau, Antoine JacquesUS
6, 1962 3,062,749 COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR REMOVING POSTAGE STAMPS Robert F. Herr-ling, 1111 S. Ridge Road, Lake Forest, Ill. No Drawing. Filed Sept. 2, 1958, Ser. No. 758,546 2 Claims. ((11. 252-l70) This invention relates to compositions for loosening the adhesive bond ...
Composition and method for removing postage stampsHerrling Robert F
Apparatus for removing, as required, tear-off pieces particularly postage stamps913,245. Dispensing stamps &c. BARTSCHI, P. July 31, 1959 [Aug. 6, 1958], No. 26431/59. Class 106 (3). [Also in Group XVII] In apparatus for delivering a stamp from a roll 13, depression of a lever ...
- For removing moisture from apparatus for vending postage stamps and the like, a receptacle 2 within the apparatus contains a water-absorbing salt such as calcium chloride, and has an outlet tube 3 for leading off any solution formed, the lower end of the tube being in the shape of a ...
1. Apparatus for dispensing postage stamps and the like comprising, in combination, housing means for supporting a roll of tearable strip material such as postage stamps adapted to be torn along perforations extending spaced from each other in transverse direction to the strip; guide means on ...