E TCHOMGUI-KAMGA, V ALONZO, C P NANSEU-NJIKI, N AUDEBRAND, E NGAMENI, A DARCHEN Preparation and characterization of charcoals that contain dispersed aluminum oxide as adsorbents for removal of fluoride from drinking water [J] Carbon, 48 (2010), pp. 333-343 View PDFView articleView in...
For these reasons, we used the AE signals acquired from the storage tank to determine its condition in this paper. However, due to the complications of the surrounding environment, as well as the limitations of the AE data acquisition device (DAQ), the recorded AE signals were contaminated ...
Article Removing Simultaneously Sulfur and Nitrogen from Fuel under a Sustainable Oxidative Catalytic System Dinis F. Silva †, Alexandre M. Viana † , Fátima Mirante, Baltazar de Castro, Luís Cunha-Silva and Salete S. Balula * LAQV/REQUIMTE & Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, ...
Sensitivity of an LPG written onto a 12 µ m CE-SMF as a function of the thickness of the FiguFsurigepup7ro.erSt7ie.nnSgselinatsyivietirtv.yityofoaf nanLPLPGGwwrrititteenn oonntto a 12 µµmm CCEE--SSMMFFaas saafufnucntciotinonofotfhethtehitchkinceksnseosfstohfe the supspu...
Using matrix calculus, the column vector {b} of the unknown coefficients in Equa- tion (5) was calculated from the matrix formula: {b} = ( X T −1 X) XT Y , (2) where: X –input variable matrix of dimension N × L. For data N = 5, 6, 7 and 9 and L = 4, the ...