Like many with visual impairments in China, the 50-year-old made a living as a masseur when he was young. After years, he owned several massage parlors and earned his "first bucket of gold." In 1999, Cao heard what enlightened his future on the radio: "In the 21st century, people wh...
While Twitter offers gold checks for "verified organizations" and gray checks for government organizations and their affiliates, it's not clear how the platform doles these out and they were not seen Thursday on many previously verified agency and public service accounts. The official Twitter account...
Welcome to BleepingComputer, a free community where people like yourself come together to discuss and learn how to use their computers. Using the site is easy and fun. As a guest, you can browse and view the various discussions in the forums, but can not create a new topic or reply to ...
How to Switch From WSUS to Windows Update for Business or just Windows Update? How to synchronize computers in Active Directory to WSUS using REG key on the clients How to temporarily stop synchronizing new updates to the wsus ? How to test connectivity between a site and a central WSUS serv...
Usually I don’t put a BIOS password on the computers I use. I normally keep my content protected and never felt the need to use a BIOS password. But when I got Netbook, I decided to put a BIOS password. A few days later I removed the BIOS password. After a few reboots suddenly ...
The 2012 London Olympic Games will see Oscar Pistorius, a double-amputee Paralympic multiple gold medallist compete in the 400 m event, after he found himself at the centre of a legal maelstrom when the IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) pre-emptively banned him from competin...
6175493Heat transfer from base to display portion of a portable computer2001-01-16Gold361/687 6144556Heat dissipating housing for electronic components2000-11-07Lanclos361/695 6137682Air-cooled electronic apparatus2000-10-24Ishimine et al.361/704 ...
# re: Removing the .SVC Extension from WCF REST URLs @AudiObviously you've never been your own boss. You seem to be idolizing working for a large corporation, when the real gold mine is being a guru in your field *and* having enough business savvy to earn a living with your own co...
Question: Removing Musty Smell from Ottoman Bed Storage? roseobrien October 6, 2017 I use the space under my ottoman bed to store bedding and clothes. They go in fresh and smelling nice, but come out smelling musty! How can I stop that? Answers JudyGold Post Medal for All Time! 677 ...
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