This PowerShell script was written by Keith A. Miller and posted on the Microsoft community threadUnable to remove bluetooth device on windows 10. This version replaces the old C#btRemoverthat I wrote, which was hard to get and use.
官方说明:将此代码复制到一个 PowerShell 脚本文件中,然后以管理员身份运行。(Paste this code into a powershell file and after Run as Administrator.) 下面是exe程序运行界面截图: 额外补充 我个人方面对于这个Defender是没有什么需求的,一是因为电脑里面确实需要安装一些软件,这些软件明显是过不去Defender的审核...
A PowerShell script that correctly uninstalls or reinstalls Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 & 11. - he3als/EdgeRemover
PowerShell Copiar Remove-MgDirectoryAdministrativeUnitMemberByRef -AdministrativeUnitId $adminUnitObj.Id -DirectoryObjectId $deviceObj.Id API do Microsoft GraphUse a API Remover um membro para remover usuários, grupos ou dispositivos de uma unidade administrativa. Para {member-id}, especifique o ...
Windows Server PowerShell Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.PowerShell: A family of Microsoft task automation and configuration management frameworks consisting of a command-line shell and...
Você tem um Distributed File System (DFS) instalado em um computador baseado no Windows Server 2012 R2 ou o Windows 8.1. Você pode usar um comando de script de dfsnfoldertarget remover junto com o parâmetro - whatif ...
Recently, we discovered a system module on many LG devices which scans for root access. CalledRCTD, the tool is activated whenever an LG phone running stock-based software has been rooted. This has led to device slowdowns (as the process never shuts down) and also has left some users feel...
feature capabilities whose name starts with the names you specify (particularly useful since FODs have their version hardcoded in the name). You can find the names of all FOD capabilities available for your system (including non-installed ones) with the PowerShell commandGet-WindowsCapability -...
Windows-User-Profile-Remover PowerShell script that will remove user profiles based on age DESCRIPTION This script will delete user profiles based on age. This works using a scheduled task that writes a date to a file in the user profile. The scheduled task will run at logon of any user,...
O exemplo a seguir mostra uma solicitação.HTTP C# CLI Ir Java JavaScript PHP PowerShell Python HTTP Copiar DELETE{id}/owners/{id}/$ref Na solicitação, especifique a id do objeto diretório que deseja remover após o segmento $ref....