“Cortana” “HelpAndFeedback”(反馈中心、获取帮助和 Microsoft 提示) “Maps” “Messaging” “MixedReality”(3D 查看器、打印 3D 和混合现实门户) “Mobile”(您的手机和移动套餐) “OfficeHub”(我的办公室) “OneNote” “Paint3D” “Photos”(删除后,旧版照片查看器将恢复以方便您使用) ...
Disable automatic updates:prevents automatic download and installation of Windows and Store apps updates. Take note thatautomatic Windows Updates cannot be disabled on Windows 10 Home. Disable Windows Error Reporting (WER): thanks to this, Windows will no longer "check for a solution to the problem...
Win10 Bloat Remover是一个开源项目,绿色小巧免安装,可以自定义删除Win10系统中的UWP应用,兼容性非常不错,删除UWP后不会对系统有影响。对于喜欢系统精简的用户非常不错。 Win10 Bloat Remover主要功能如下: 删除预安装的 UWP 应用 删除Microsoft Edge 禁用操作系统遥测 删除系统服务 调整Windows 设置以增强隐私 禁用Wi...
Disable automatic updates:prevents automatic download and installation of Windows and Store apps updates. Take note thatautomatic Windows Updates cannot be disabled on Windows 10 Home. Disable Windows Error Reporting (WER): thanks to this, Windows will no longer "check for a solution to the problem...