Method 5 – Removing Duplicates in Excel But Keeping the First Instance We cankeep the 1st instance only and remove duplicatesby using theIF-COUNTIFfunctions together in an Excel formula.TheCOUNTIFfunctioncounts the number of instances andtheIFfunctionreturns the first value only, ignoring further ...
Also read:How to Remove Leading Zeros in Excel? Method #1: Using the TRIM Function We can use theTRIMfunction to remove leading spaces in Excel. The TRIM function deletes all spaces from a text string leaving only the single spaces between words. Let’s consider the following dataset with ...
Although Read only in Excel is not a security feature, it helps to mark the Excel file as final to give a tip for the other people don't make changes to this Excel file, and helps to prevent accidental changes on the Excel file. If you want to modify the Excel file, here will show...
To do this, select an empty column in your spreadsheet. Then input the UNIQUE function using the cell range you want to scan for duplicates, leaving behind only unique values. For example, =UNIQUE(A2:B15). Related reading: How to find and remove duplicates in Excel How to add a dropdo...
2. Navigate to Find & Replace:Head over to the "Home" tab in Excel. Within the "Editing" group, locate and click on "Find & Select." From the dropdown menu, click on "Replace." This action will unveil the "Find & Replace" dialog box, your gateway to a tidier spreadsheet. ...
You’ll see that Excel made a non-adjacent selection of all the blank cells in the spreadsheet. This makes it easy to delete the cells you don’t want. After having done this, from the Home tab, under the Cells group, click Delete and then select whether you want to delete the blank...
ForMacros in, select the current worksheetHow to Remove Filter in Excel.xlsm. ClickRun. The appliedFilterwill be removed from all the sheets. For example, the appliedFilteris removed from the sheetFrom Entire Table. Practice Section A practice sheet has been provided in the workbook. ...
Remove first character in Excel To delete the first character from a string, you can use either theREPLACEfunction or a combination ofRIGHTandLENfunctions. REPLACE(string, 1, 1, "") Here, we simply take 1 character from the first position and replace it with an empty string (""). ...
This is because earlier (when there were dashes in the cell), Excel considered those as text and didn’t change anything. But when dashes are removed, Excel starts considering it as a number, and theleading zeros are removed. So how do you remove the dashes before removing the leading zer...
In Excel, we sometimes see numbers with leading apostrophes (‘).Inserting a leading apostrophe in Excel will keep the leading zeros of a number.However, there are times when Excel will display an unnecessary apostrophe. This is very common when you copy and paste numerical values or tables ...