Re-rendered with the latest conda-smithy (Use the phrase @conda-forge-admin, please rerender in a comment in this PR for automated rerendering) Ensured the license file is being packaged. deps: remove jupyter notebook dependencies 0a7ecec tomsail requested a review from nicogodet as a cod...
Opinionated stacks of ready-to-run Jupyter applications in Docker. - [skip ci] Remove base image for jupyter/notebook · jonas-eberle/docker-stacks@fc705ad
A quick basic tip which can come in handy whether you need to rapidly remove files from a directory: junk <- dir(path="your_path", pattern="your_pattern") # ?dir file.remove(junk) # ?file.remove Clearly, for advanced needs, you can use system() and all the unix tools installed on...
I often restart a notebook when a cell hangs. If several cells were executed, they are all left with In[*] when the notebook is restarted, which can be confusing. I suggest simply removing all occurrences of In[*] when the notebook is re...
Remove INotebookExecutionLogger preExecute and postExecute in favor of nativePostExecute (take NotebookCell instead of ICell) How do we refactor execution so that things can be shared What are we going to do for other languages Jupyter ext/Python ext --> npm module ...
Code for tutorials are currently located in the three places: the tutorial's webpage, a Jupyter notebook, and a script. Maintaining this is bad. I removed all scripts whose better half is a Jupyte...
9. Start the Jupyter notebook server `jupyter notebook` and select the kernel `igwn-py39` (or `igwn-py39-lw`) if this is not done by default. 0 comments on commit ae0778a Please sign in to comment. Footer © 2024 GitHub, Inc. Footer navigation Terms Privacy Security Status ...
Still, have a pile of warnings. /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ FutureWarning: Passing (type, 1) or '1type' as a synonym of type is deprecated; in a future version of numpy, it will be understood as (type, (1,)) / '(1,)type'. ...
Reformulate the warning messages and raise them as logger warnings instead of click.echo Amend the documentation with the new behavior Add unitary testings Validation Configuration Let us consider two instrumentsA(a) and instrumentB(b) to be used as a benchmark : ...
Opinionated stacks of ready-to-run Jupyter applications in Docker. - [skip ci] Remove base image for jupyter/notebook · manfred-kiener/docker-stacks@fc705ad