场景描述: 假设你有一个Cisco交换机,其中GigabitEthernet0/1接口配置为trunk模式,并允许VLAN 10、20和30的流量通过。现在,你需要从允许的VLAN列表中移除VLAN 20。 步骤: 进入全局配置模式: shell Switch# configure terminal 选择GigabitEthernet0/1接口: shell Switch(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/1 执行...
This document describes how to create and delete VLANs on a Cisco Catalyst switch that uses Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). It also describes how to add ports to a VLAN with SNMP.
Enable-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort Enable-NetworkSwitchFeature Enable-NetworkSwitchVlan Get-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort Get-NetworkSwitchFeature Get-NetworkSwitchGlobalData Get-NetworkSwitchVlan New-NetworkSwitchVlan Remove-NetworkSwitchEthernetPortIPAddress Remove-NetworkSwitchVlan ...
switch(config-if)#sw mode trunk switch(config-if)#sw trunk allowd vlan remove 20在执行了上述命令后,此接口接收到VLAN20的数据会做怎样的处理? A. 根据MAC地址表进行转发 B. 将VLAN20的标签去掉,加上合法的标签再进行转发 C. trunk接口会去掉VLAN20的标签,直接转发给主机 D. 直接丢弃数据,不进行转发 ...
Run the port hybrid untagged vlan vlan-id command on the observing port. For example, perform the following configurations to configure the observing port GE1/0/1 to remove VLAN tag 4094 from packets: <Switch> system-view [Switch] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 [Switch...
switchport trunk allowed vlan 1 "default int te1/0/1" does not work on this model (btw backspace key does not work either). May be this thing is broken, or maybe it isn't a switch? Any idea how to clean up this mess, how to remove any config from interface, reset it to defaul...
把VLAN20从中继链路中删除的命令是( ) A. switch(config-if)#switchport trunk vlan remove 20 B. switch(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 20 C. switch(config)# switchport trunk vlan remove 20 D. switch(config)# switchport trunk allowed vlan pruning 20 ...
在交换机上配置Trunk接口时,如果要从允许VLAN列表中删除VLAN 5,所运行的命令是哪一项: A、Switch(config-if)#switchporttrunk allowed remove 5 B、Switch(config-if)#switchporttrunk vlan remove 5 C、Switch(config-if)#switchporttrunk vlan allowed remove 5...
switch#sh int trunk switch#sh vlan brief 0 Helpful Reply FrankFlintstone16044 Level 1 08-11-2022 03:57 AM Also, my Fa0/1 has just changed to (I) standalone Group Port-channel Protocol Ports---+---+---+---1 Po1(SD) - Fa0/1(I) Fa0/2(D) Fa0/3(s) 0 Helpful ...
在交换机上配置 Trunk 接口时,如果要从允许 VLAN 列表中删除 VLAN 10,使用的命令是:( ) A. Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed remove 10 B. Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk vlan remove 10 C. Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk vlan allowed remove 10 D. Switch(config-if)#switchport tr...