PowerShell 复制 Remove-Alias [-Name] <String[]> [-Scope <String>] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>]说明Remove-Alias cmdlet 从当前 PowerShell 会话中移除别名。 若要移除 Option 属性设置为 ReadOnly 的别名,请使用 Force 参数。Remove-Alias cmdlet 是在 PowerShell 6.0 中引入的。
The Remove-Alias cmdlet removes an alias from the current PowerShell session. To remove an alias with the Option property set to ReadOnly, use the Force parameter. The Remove-Alias cmdlet was introduced in PowerShell 6.0.
Remove-Alias [-Name] <String[]> [-Scope <String>] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>]说明Remove-Alias cmdlet 从当前 PowerShell 会话中删除别名。 若要删除 Option 属性设置为 ReadOnly的别名,请使用 Force 参数。PowerShell 6.0 中引入了 Remove-Alias cmdlet。示例...
Remove-Alias [-Name] <String[]> [-Scope <String>] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>]说明Remove-Alias cmdlet 从当前 PowerShell 会话中删除别名。 若要删除 Option 属性设置为 ReadOnly的别名,请使用 Force 参数。PowerShell 6.0 中引入了 Remove-Alias cmdlet。示例...
PowerShellCopy Remove-DistributionGroup-Identity"Temporary Staff" This example removes the distribution group named Temporary Staff. Parameters -BypassSecurityGroupManagerCheck The BypassSecurityGroupManagerCheck switch specifies whether to allow a user who isn't an owner of the group to modify or delete th...
PowerShell是一种强大的脚本语言和命令行工具,可在Windows操作系统中执行各种管理任务。remove-item命令用于删除文件或文件夹。 要使用remove-item批量删除文件,可以按照以下步骤操作: 打开PowerShell:在Windows操作系统中,按下Win + X键,然后选择“Windows PowerShell”或“Windows PowerShell(管理员)”。 切换到...
PowerShell Copy Remove-Mailbox -Identity "John Rodman" -Permanent $true In on-premises Exchange, this example removes the mailbox and the user account for the user named John Rodman. The mailbox is immediately and permanently removed from the mailbox database....
Function Remove-AliasFromScript { The second line of code is one of the most important —it obtains the code from the current file and stores it in the$bvariable (the$bvariable is the one that contains the Windows PowerShell code to be parsed by the tokenizer). In looking at the dotted...
User principal name (UPN) Legacy Exchange DN SMTP address Alias You can't use this parameter with the MailboxGuid or MoveRequestQueue parameters. Expand table Type: MoveRequestIdParameter Position: 1 Default value: None Required: True Accept pipeline input: True Accept wildcard characters: False...
PowerShell How to Remove Empty Folders/Directories recursively with PowerShellPrevious Next How to Remove Empty Folders/Directories recursively with PowerShell As part of System Admin, you will have control of more servers and there may be hundreds of empty folders as junk files which may take ...