Finding a black urine stain on your gorgeous wood floor cause your puppies just had to pee there is a prime example of that. Of course, a well-trained pet isn’t expected to do that, at least not often, but both puppies and kittens can have accidents when they are still young as do...
Enzymatic floor cleaners are another option for cleaning pet stains, including urine stains, on hardwood floors. These cleaners break down stains and odors caused by pet urine. Enzymes in these cleaners neutralize urine and make cleanup, stain removal and odor elimination easier. Learn more about h...
Johnson’s easy method for removing fresh urine stains from furniture uses dishwashing liquid, vinegar and water. She shares the following step-by-step guide for getting human and pet urine stains and smells out of a couch and other furniture: Lightly blot the urine stain with amicrofiber clot...
Does your feline pee too often in your floor or carpet but since you do not knowhow to remove cat urine smell, so it really bothers you most? If yes, then just relax and take a deep sigh of relief because we’re going to show you some of the most easiest and practical ways of de...
If you can't get the dog pee smell out of your carpet, a homemade pet odor remover as a carpet cleaner might work. Follow the same steps as you would when finding a stain anywhere else. Use multiple wet paper towels to soak up the urine and then pour the same solution—one part wa...
How to remove a black stain from my Guess beige pump(shoes)? The shoes stay together with another black shoes and now have this black stains. Help please. Thanks. Reply 12 years ago Annette C. Bryant How do I get the smell of cat urine out of my shoe? Reply 12 years ago Sew...
Tip: If you don’t have hydrogen peroxide,substitute with a laundry stain removerthat contains ‘Oxy’, indicating it has hydrogen peroxide (e.g., Preen, Sard, OxiClean). Read the Testimonial and Reviews for this Cat Urine Odor Recipe ...
I loved the way my wood floors looked using Rejuvenate Floor restore but now over time the Floors have wax build up and its showing scratches. Anyone have this issue as well and suggestions on the best way to cost effective way to restore (if possibl
Careful: It’s best to test in an unnoticeable area first to make sure there will be no damage to the surface (especially on wood). Be especially careful of greasy or oil based ingredients when working on cloth or upholstery pieces. ...
Here’s 5 Ways To Remove Musty Smells From Your Wood Furniture 1. Wipe and Clean Bacteria and germs can permeate porous wood causing awful “old-smell” odors. To eliminate the smell, kill the bacteria and germs by cleaning the inside of the drawers and all surfaces with a sponge dampened...