Remove commented/#ifdef'd out code. #5 rhdunn opened this issue Dec 8, 2015· 0 comments CommentsMember rhdunn commented Dec 8, 2015 This code is not used by the program and is accessible by the source control history. Therefore, this code should be removed to make the code more read...
After writing a shader, usually from my boilerplate starting code, there is a sequence of operations I perform: Delete dead/commented-out code. Remove unused functions. Inline some constants (Max raymarching distance, 'hit test' accuracy, ...) If trying to get under the magic '4KB', simpl...
26、This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed. 问题分析: 程序员不应该注释掉代码,因为它会使程序膨胀并降低可读性。 应该删除未使用的代码,如果需要,可以从源代码管理历史记录中检索。 解决: 不需要、注释的代码需要删掉、如果实在需要保存将代码中每行最后的;去掉。 27、Define a constant...
3. Delete the certificate. There should be one or two prompts when you try to delete it - you must answer "Yes" in both cases to fully remove the certificate. Regards, Lini Progress Telerik Tags Windows Asked by improwise Answers by ...
I wonder if we can provide anexcludepath spec here: anything that matches gets rejected right away. Though now that I think about it: can this get out of hand if we have to specify every single directory? It seems to me if that's the case, we're better off just post-processing the...
The commented-out code is no longer needed, and can be entirely deleted. The tests that we made all still pass, which is a pleasing sign. Restructure the code The if statement really is the wrong tool for the job. What we want to do instead is to run the removeError and resetWarnings...
The storm client can only be run from within a release. You appear to be trying to run the client from a checkout of Storm's source code. You can download a Storm release at*** > Remove storm.cmd, no need to duplicate work python runs...
Method 1: Hide Author Name With WPCode (Recommended) The easiest way to hide the author name is byadding custom code to WordPress. Often, you will find guides with instructions to add custom code to your site’s functions.php file. However, this isn’t recommended, as any mistakes in th...
The first be is to be able to get the code for spawning multiple pages working. Don't even thing about putting it on one of the the dropdown events at this point, because there is another issue that needs to be thought out first. What happens if the user makes multiple selections in...
Make sure the configuration file contains line Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies "true"; (and that it is not commented out; comments start with '//'.) Thereafter unattended-upgrades will automatically remove packages providing old kernels as part of unattended upgrade. (It does not...