Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools0.0.1.0 Rsat.BitLocker.Recovery.Tools0.0.1.0 Rsat.ServerManager.Tools~~~ remainder of the tools that cannot be removed by PowerShell, also cannot be uninstalled manually in the GUI either.Thank you to everyone that help out on this one!-...
Unfortunately, search, settings, Windows Store, Windows Store apps all have stopped working. I am unable to right-click an app to uninstall it. I have tried this PowerShell script to uninstall them, but encountered the following error for each of them: Remove 'xxxx.xxxxx' failed! This app...
So, the ServerManager module has been around for a long time. In Windows PowerShell 3.0 on Windows Server 2012 (or on Windows 8 with the RSAT tools installed) two functions and two aliases were added to the ServerManager module. In addition, two of the cmdlets were renamed. EXAM ALERTIn...
Advanced audit policy setting using powershell Advanced Functions - flags? Advanced Tab of Internet Options change registry key with PowerShell All AD Groups, membership and user attributes (EmployeeID) allow standard user to run .ps1 elevated? Already running a command Alternative to Windows Explorer...
And you can run it from your Domain Controller / AD Server, that's the easiest for you now I guess 😉 (You can install the RSAT tools on your computer too and run a PowerShell command from there if you start it as your Admin account) - edit - Changed $user to $user.Sa...
2. Server Manager: Print Servers: Add Printer Management to context menu when Print Management RSAT is installed and one goes to the Print Servers on the left pane. It is still the only MMC missing in the context. reference:
Also, you can enable some of the capabilities in the image. For example, to install allRSAT administrative tools: Get-WindowsCapability -Path c:\mount |? {$_.Name -like "*RSAT*" -and $_.State -eq "NotPresent"} | Add-WindowsCapability -Path c:\mount ...
While this is an old question, if anyone wants to know how delete enterprise published certs without PKIVIEW.msc (although you could install it via the Certificate Authority RSAT tools), you can use ADSIEDIT. Root CA certs are published in the Configuration container, underneath "CN=Certi...
Change %systemdrive% path from C:\Windows to D:\Windows in windows server 2008 during OS installation ? change AD security group name change client dns remotely by cmd change date format for domain user change dns port Change format of phone numbers in AD using powershell Change From Roaming...
Windows PowerShell Index -contains operator vs .contains() method -ea operator -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue parameter is not being respected & $error variable not updated -ExpandProperty & Export CSV !!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A posi...