Progression and build-up of dental plaque can give rise to tooth decay. Bacteria also produce toxins causing various periodontal (gum) problems. Hence it is important to disrupt the mass of bacteria and remove it. Bacteria, due to the onset of accumulated dental plaque, and its infectious natu...
Removing Plaque From Teeth At Home We’ve all felt it, that sticky feeling on our teeth that seems to happen first thing in the morning, after meals, and sometimes for seemingly no reason whatsoever. Even a trip to the dentist may garner a comment about
Learn what plaque is, how to remove plaque from teeth, and how to prevent it from damaging your teeth with this guide. What is Plaque? The Indian Dental Association explains that dental plaque is a sticky film that constantly forms on teeth. Each time you eat or drink sugary food or ...
Put Plaque in its Place with ARM & HAMMER™ Baking Soda Toothpastes! Despite the connotations, having plaque on teeth is perfectly normal. But that doesn’t mean you want the feeling of that slimy, sticky feeling on your teeth—nor should it stop you from doing your best to remove plaqu...
Tartar is a hardened plaque film on your teeth. It can cause cavities and gum disease if it's not removed. You can't remove it yourself; you'll have to visit your dentist for a professional cleaning. The best way to prevent tartar is to practice good oral hygiene — brush twice a da...
A natural oil, especially sunflower oil, is used to remove and prevent plaque from teeth. The oil forms an emulsion with other fluids, and contains taste and smell enhancing agents.doi:DE10210653SEYBOLD DR PROFSEYBOLD INASEYBOLD JOERG
What is the color of this? The item's color is Purple In what ways can this item be utilized? The product can serve the purpose of Stains, Teeth, Fresh Breath, Dental Cleaning, Whitening, Remove Plaque. What is the color of this? The item's color is PurpleSold...
Dental sealants consist of a thin layer of resin that covers vulnerable teeth and prevents bacteria from getting in. This way, plaque and tartar may build up on the resin, but won’t harm the teeth. To remove tartar and plaque buildup, you should see your dentist twice a year. Don’t...
Function Whitening Teeth / Remove Dental Plaque / Fresh Breath Delivery Time 15-30days MOQ 10000 PCS Detailed Photos Oral Health Care Pearls Whitening Toothpaste 150g Gingival formula, establish oral microcirculation, effectively pr...
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