很简单的,首先用showinventory查看NPC装备列表,找到想去掉的item,用removeitem+ 物品代码 +序号(就是...
原址:http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2628/? 文件说明 Mod截图 相关作品 巫师3:狂猎 v1.22女主角啪啪啪替换会所NPC MOD|上古卷轴5:天际重制版 极乐村MOD|呆萌2H cos 魔卡少女樱新番|文明6 v1.0.0.167维斯特洛凛冬大陆MOD|三国志13 v1.07-1.08超帅男武将高清头像MOD|模拟人生4 条纹连衣裙MOD|...
If you simply want to delete your load order, go to C:\Users\...your user name...\AppData\Local\Fallout 4 and rename the fileplugins.txt. All gone. If you just want to shift your load order around, there are at least three possible solutions: ...