您可以在终端中输入以下命令: $ git revert HEAD 这将创建一个新的提交,在该提交中撤消了最后一个提交的更改。 总结 在许多情况下,使用git reset命令更容易且更自然。但是,如果我们不想删除提交记录,而是只需撤消以前提交的更改,则使用git revert更为方便和安全。
git branch new_branch_name HEAD~2 其中,new_branch_name是一个新分支的名称,HEAD~2告诉Git删除最后两个提交。 然后,使用以下命令切换到新分支: git checkout new_branch_name 最后,使用以下命令删除旧分支: git branch-D TypeScript 这将删除旧的分支,你所做的更改将只存在于新分支中。
gitrevert<commit-hash> 以上命令会移除指定的提交,并创建一个新的提交。 三、强制推送更新到远程仓库 移除本地仓库的提交后,我们需要将更新推送到远程仓库。因为我们使用了git revert命令来移除提交,所以我们需要使用-m选项来指定要提交的更改。 gitpush origin HEAD ...
To remove the last merge commit, you first need to identify the commit hash of the merge commit that you want to remove. You can do this by running the following command: git log --merges This command will list down all the merge commits that have been made in the Git repository. Id...
Investigate the black magic called git replace in this article from the Pro Git book that uses your exact circumstances as its example. Basically, if you can find a point in history that you want to act as the new root, you can replace it with a commit that has no parents, as if it...
git reset --hard HEAD~1 git push -f Side Note: HEAD~1 will delete the last commit HEAD~5 will delete last 5 commits push -f is force push so that copies in server (github/bitbucket/other) is also deleted Share Follow answered Aug 18, 2022 at 21:56 Pavn 31633 silver badges1010...
https://github.com/rtyley/bfg-repo-cleaner/issues/36 https://w3guy.com/remove-git-commit-history/ remove git commit history https://www.cnblogs.com/xgqfrms/p/13338946.html ©xgqfrms 2012-2024 www.cnblogs.com 发布文章使用:只允许注册用户才可以访问!
After such cleanup you will have the latest version of your Git repository, but with the one commit only. Be aware that after resetting all the history of changes in your Git repository will be deleted as well. Cool Tip:Made a mistake? Undo last Git commit!Read more → ...
(dev)$ git statusOnbranch devNocommits yetChangesto be committed:(use"git rm --cached <file>..."to unstage)newfile:file01newfile:file02newfile:file03---GitDemo(dev)$ git commit-m"Init project"[dev(root-commit)924b8e0]Initproject3files changed,0insertions(+),0deletions(-)create mode...
The HEAD~1 specifies the git reset command to remove only one last commit. We will now run the git status to check the status of the repository as follows. $ git status On branch main Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. Changes to be committed: (use "git restore --...