the Sri Lanka Army said in anews releaseissued this week. The grapefruit-sized kidney stone removed during that procedure has since been formally added to theGuinness World Recordsas both the "largest and the heaviest kidney stone" ever extracted through major surgery. ...
Kidney stones are often removed via an endoscopic procedure. If a stone is too large, the urologists break it into pieces using a laser. The larger pieces can be removed with a grasping instrument, but this is not possible for the smaller fragments—instead, they remain in the kidney in th...
We successfully treated complex renal calculi and proximal ureteral calculi using miniature percutaneous nephrolithotomy. This procedure appears to provide a valuable option for an elderly patient who needs complete stone clearance within a single procedure. Declaration of competing interest None.References...
It is advisable to discard the broth because it is rich in oxalates. This procedure should be carried out whenever you cook beets, spinach, or foods rich in oxalates. In other cases this precaution is not possible, for example with pure cocoa, which is very rich in oxalates....
Direct pelvic access percutaneous nephrolithotomy in management of ectopic kidney stone: a case report and literature review Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL) is an effective procedure for the treatment of patients with large or complex stones. PNL is challenging in anomalous ki... RM Mehmet,YF Rust...
The mean body mass index of the patients before procedure was 57 kg/m(2) with a mean decrease of 20 kg/m(2) at the time of the stone event, which averaged 2.2 years post-procedure. When analyzed, calcium oxalate stones were found in 19 and mixed calcium oxalate/uric acid stones in ...