# 移除第三个字符 n new_str="" foriinrange(0,len(test_str)): ifi!=2: new_str=new_str + test_str[i] print("字符串移除后为 : "+ new_str) 执行以上代码,输出结果为: 原始字符串为:Runoob字符串移除后为:Ruoob Python3 实例 "Runoob"new_str=test_str.replace(test_str[1)print(new_st...
Remove Trailing Zeros From a String (strip, lstrip, rstrip) A string in Python is immutable – we cannot change it. However, we can convert it to list, remove the trailing zeros and convert it back to string using the join function. We repeat checking the rightmostcharacterto see if it ...
Python3 实例 给定一个字符串,然后移除制定位置的字符: Python3 实例 test_str="itzixishi"# 输出原始字符串print("原始字符串为 : "+test_str)# 移除第三个字符 znew_str=""foriinrange(0,len(test_str)):ifi!=2:new_str=new_str+test_str[i]print("字符串移除后为 : "+new_str) ...