hardness can vary depending on your geographic location. As a result, you might have a lot of issues with mineral buildup while a friend in the same town has never noticed a single limescale deposit.
Keep the iron moving. You can see the stain start transferring to your towel. I have used this on kool-aid vomit and fingernail polish that spilled in the closet carpet. All traces of the vomit were gone! The fingernail polish was almost gone but I had to stop because it looked like...
Mutual Funds, Retirement Accounts, Savings Bonds, Gov’t backed Deposit insurance FDIC and SLIC, Social Security (Luciferian Traitor Bill Clinton traded SS Funds for Gov’t Bonds) and PBGC (Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp) are all held as collateral against Sovereign Debt by the IMF; some $66T...