PHP Array Functions You can use the array_pop() function to remove an element or value from the end of an array. The array_pop() function returns the last value of array. If the array is empty (or the variable is not an array), then the returned value is NULL....
To make this one dimensional array unique, usearray_unique()function. Step 3: Revert it to the multidimensional array Though the array is now unique, the values looks like byte stream representation. To revert it back to the multidimensional array, useunserialize()function. Example: [php] <?...
"Iran","Turkey","Switzerland"}# The datasetcontains all the different names other then Pakistan Countries.remove("Pakistan")#Theremove()method displays an error when the element not presentindatset is to be removedprint(Countries)
i have this kind of array: $array[] = "BRAND A|PERIOD 1|RANGE 1"; $array[] = "BRAND A|PERIOD 1|RANGE 2"; $array[] = "BRAND A|PERIOD 1|RANGE 3"; $array[] = "BRAND A|PERIOD 2|RANGE 1"; $array[] = "BRAND A|PERIOD 2|RANGE 2"; $array[] = "BRAND...
1. Remove duplicate value fromIndexed Array Define an array$num_arrwhere I also added some duplicate numbers. Pass the array inarray_unique()method to remove duplicate values. Example <?php // Numberic array $num_arr = array(1,2,3,1,6,1,23,2); ...
php函数str_replace: 返回一个字符串或者数组。该字符串或数组是将subject中全部的search都被replace替换之后的结果。 现在我们所能知道的一些这个函数的用法,如:str_replace("#", "-", "dizaz#7#final"),str_replace(array('#', '$'), "-", "dizaz#7$final") 等,就这些调用方式,php内部是如何实现...
Part of PHP Collective 2 I need to remove empty items in a multidimensional array. Is there a simple way I can remove the empty items easily? I need to keep only 2010-06 and 2010-07.Thank you very much!Array ( [2010-01] => Array ...
Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, XML and more.
* 使用例子:newArray.sort(sortBy('number'),false) //表示根据number属性降序排列;若第二个参数不传递,默认表示升序排序 * @param attr 排序的属性 如number属性 * @param rev true表示升序排列,false降序排序 * */ sortBy: function(attr,rev){ ...