As you can see in the image below,httpdappears in the following packages (and dependencies): After you have the exact name of the package you want to erase, you can uninstall it from your CentOS system. For more options onlisting packages on CentOSread our detailed tutorial. Conclusion After...
firewalld.noarch 0:0.3.9-14.el7 gnome-boxes.x86_64 0: gnome-color-manager.x86_64 0:3.14.2-1.el7 gnome-terminal.x86_64 0:3.14.3-3.el7 httpd-devel.x86_64 0:2.4.6-40.el7.centos initial-setup.x86_64 0: initscripts.x86_64 0:9.49.30-1.el7 ...
lpadmin-xPrinterName To check that it has been removed: lpstat-pPrinterName-l You must have an error indicating that the printer does not exist. If you found this post or this website helpful and would like to support our work, please consider making a donation. Thank you! Help Us...
To remove apache test page in CentOS, follow the steps below:- Advertisements Start your Terminal and login to your webserver thru SSH Once logged in, edit this file with your favorite editor /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf The content of the file should look similar like this:- # This...
RETIRED, TripleO Ansible project repository. Contains playbooks for use with TripleO OpenStack deployments. Mirror of code maintained at - Retire Tripleo: remove repo content · Yonatan-Zaken/tripleo-ansible@7fa1307
Openhttpd.conffile as below: # vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Make sure, you set the values of ‘ServerSignature‘ and ‘ServerTokens‘ as below: ServerSignature Off ServerTokens Prod Restart the web server as below: # /etc/init.d/httpd restart ...
"centos", # direct children: eclipse-temurin ibm-semeru-runtimes percona swift "clearlinux", "clefos", "consul", "crate", "debian", # direct children: adminer aerospike buildpack-deps chronograf clojure couchdb dart emqx erlang haproxy haskell hitch httpd influxdb irssi julia maven memcached ...
CentOS 7编译安装PHP 7.4提示No package 'libzip' found或者(libzip >= 0.11) php 编译安装PHP 7.4提示No package 'libzip' found或者(libzip >= 0.11),原因是libzip没有安装或者版本太低,解决方法如下: 用户1349575 2022/01/21 6K0 centos6.5编译安装LNMP架构web环境 lnmpapachenginxphphttp 作为Web 服务器:相...