Whenever you use your laptop, Windows 8.1 automatically saves data about the programs, folders and documents you open, your browsing history and the items you delete. This information is readily available to anyone who has access to your computer and knows where to look. To remove your historic...
Remove-CMApplicationRevisionHistory [-Force] -Name <String> -Revision <UInt32> [-DisableWildcardHandling] [-ForceWildcardHandling] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]BeschreibungDas Cmdlet Remove-CMApplicationRevisionHistory entfernt einen Revisionsverlauf aus einer Configuration Manager-Anwendung....
Get-CMComputerAssociation Get-CMConfigurationItem Get-CMConfigurationItemHistory Get-CMConfigurationItemXMLDefinition Get-CMConfigurationPlatform Get-CMConfigurationPolicy Get-CMConfigurationPolicyDeployment Get-CMConfigurationPolicyXml Get-CMConflictingRecord Get-CMConnectionManager Get-CMDatabaseProperty Get-CMData...
Remove-CMApplicationRevisionHistory [-Force] -Name <String> -Revision <UInt32> [-DisableWildcardHandling] [-ForceWildcardHandling] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]DescriptionThe Remove-CMApplicationRevisionHistory cmdlet removes a revision history from a Configuration Manager application. The ...
Get-CMComputerAssociation Get-CMConfigurationItem Get-CMConfigurationItemHistory Get-CMConfigurationItemXMLDefinition Get-CMConfigurationPlatform Get-CMConfigurationPolicy Get-CMConfigurationPolicyDeployment Get-CMConfigurationPolicyXml Get-CMConflictingRecord Get-CMConnectionManager Get-CMDatabaseProperty Get-CMDa...
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When it is finished, the black window will close automatically and a log file will open. Do not restart your computer. Proceed to the next step in this guide. STEP 2: Uninstall malicious programs from Windows In this second step, we will manually check if any unknown or malicious programs...
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the “Windows Defender alert Zeus virus” security warning. The notification shows the message: “Windows Defender alert: Zeusvirus detectedin your computer” and asks you not to shut down your computer since the move will delete your disk files, browser history, password and credit card ...
Step 4: Various unnecessary system files are now listed in the window. Check all file types you want to delete and click OK to delete them permanently from your Windows computer. The deletion process may take several minutes, depending on the size of the files to be deleted. ...