You can replace 'exampleFile.txt' with your own filename string to remove the extension from a different filename. Using explode() and implode() functions Using the explode() and implode() functions is another way to remove the extension from a string in PHP. Here's an example: <?php$...
preg_replace( $word_to_replace, $new_word, $string_to_be_searched, $limit, $count ) In the given example we have a sentence from which every special character including space is removed, PHP code to remove special characters from a string using preg_replace() ...
In PHP, you can remove a trailing slash from a string in the following ways: Usingrtrim(); Using a Regular Expression; Checking the End Character and Removing Accordingly. #Usingrtrim() You can specify the "/" character as the second the argument to thertrim()function to remove one or ...
This article demonstrates how to remove all non-alphanumeric characters from a string in PHP... Regular expressions are a simple way to remove non-alphanumeric characters from a string.
Using the PCRE unicode character class \p{P} (or \pP) we can remove all unicode punctuation characters from a string like so: $string = 'Hello, how are you?'; echo preg_replace('/\p{P}/', '', $string); // output: 'Hello how are you'; There are, of course, other PHP ...
Write a PHP script to remove part of a string.Original String : 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' Remove 'fox' from the above string.Visual Presentation:Sample Solution:PHP Code:<?php $my_str = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'; // Define the original ...
We can remove the HTML special characters from the string using the PHP htmlspecialchars() function.
$_REQUEST['username'] = String::Nullify(Request::Get('username')); $_REQUEST['duration'] = Format::DurationToSeconds($_REQUEST['duration']); $original = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tbx_video` WHERE `video_id`=?',array($_REQUEST['video_id']));// Handle uploaded thumbs, if any$...
//Echo resulted string echo $StrRepLast; ?> Output Welcome to TutorialDeep The above output shows that the last character in a string is ‘!’ and it is removed from the string. Delete the First and Last Characters Using PHP In addition to the above all methods, you can also delete th...
Array Functions In PHP Functions: Remove First Character From String PHP Remove Specific/Special Characters From String In PHP How to Replace First and Last Character From String PHP remove duplicates from multidimensional array PHP PHP Remove Duplicate Elements or Values from Array PHP ...