1. add "Page level filters" for all other pages, but don't add this filter for that page. 2. duplicate the table to create a new table and don't connect this new table with your original table, use the columns from the new table to create the map on the certain page. ...
I believe the issue is not related to the measure but more with selection of filters from the same table?If you select GroupA1 from Group 1 slicer and you add another slicer for Group 2, the values show blanks?Is this the issue?HTH,...
Can you please provide more details? I believe the issue is not related to the measure but more with selection of filters from the same table? If you select GroupA1 from Group 1 slicer and you add another slicer for Group 2, the values show blanks?
@CNENFRNL is correct in that if you create a table using DAX it will not respond to filters, etc. It will be created and populated only when the report file is opened or when data is refreshed. I am not a fan of creating individual tables for each and every ...
I have the below relationships and I am trying to remove all the applied filters to the Opportunity table. The below formula is written in Forecasted Energy Generation table. Currency = RELATED(Opportunity[CurrencyIsoCode]) When I use the above, it only shows INR because it is filtering ...
I have tried to use allexcept function, all function and remover filters function in my dax but nothing seems to be working as required.var choseMonths = values(Date dimension [month number])calculate(countrows(facttable), filter(all(facttable), facttable[date type] = "Rcm Date" ...
C-C++ Code Example: Application-Specific Filters C-C++ Code Example: Retrieving PROPID_Q_TYPE IMsRdpClientShell::GetRdpProperty method (Windows) IMsRdpInputSink::SendMouseMoveEvent method (Windows) C-C++ Code Example: Requesting Authentication Using an Internal Certificate C-C++ Code Example: Returning...
IFilters Interface IFloor Interface IFont Interface IFormatColor Interface IFormatCondition Interface IFormatConditions Interface IFreeformBuilder Interface IGraphic Interface IGridlines Interface IGroupBox Interface IGroupBoxes Interface IGroupObject Interface IGroupObjects Interface IGroupShapes Interface IHeaderFoot...
Using Filters to Exclude Categories Usual Alt+S keyboard shortcut for 'Save and Close' of an open item doesn't work - has it been deliberately removed? Viewing a Return Receipt freezes Outlook Voting buttons not seen by recipients in Outlook 2010 Want to Migrate EML mail to PST Outlook, S...