Method A: Remove all extra spaces from strings with the TRIM function (2 steps) Remove extra spaces from strings 1. Select a cell next to the cell you want to remove extra spaces from string, type this formula =TRIM(B2) B2 is the cell you want to remove spaces from, See screenshot:...
The leading spaces of the selected cell range will be removed. Note: A VBA code will remove the leading spaces only in the selected cell range, and it will change original data and does not support Undo. Furthermore, save a copy of your data before applying this VBA code. Read More:How...
Method 1 – Using the TRIM Function to Remove Blank Spaces Enter the following formula in an empty cell (A16). =TRIM(A5) TheTRIMfunction will remove extra blank spaces fromA5. PressENTERand no blank spaces will be displayed inA16. DragA16to apply the formula to all other cells in column...
A1: In Excel, there are three primary types of spaces:leading spaces(at the beginning of a cell's content), trailing spaces (at the end of a cell's content), and spaces within text. Trailing spaces are often considered problematic as they can affect data consistency and formatting. Q2: ...
cell.Value = LTrim(cell.Value) Next cell End Sub logo The Functionality of Trim and The Find and Delete Method TheTRIM function in Excelis used to remove leading and trailing spaces from a text string. It is useful for cleaning up data where extra spaces may have been inadvertently included...
Sub RemoveAllSpaces() Range("B1") = Replace(Range("A1"), " ", "") End Sub This macro will remove all the spaces in a cell. You can also change the range in the codes according to your need. Besides, you can directly produce the result in the current cell if you need. ...
How to count spaces in Excel Before removing spaces from a certain cell, you may be curious to know how many of them are actually there. To get the total count of spaces in a cell, do the following: Calculate the entire string length using theLEN function: LEN(A2) ...
Remove extra spaces between words with TRIM in Excel In Excel, you can remove extra spaces between words with TRIM. Please do as follows: Step 1. Type formula =TRIM(A1) in cell B1 which is adjacent to cell A1, see screenshot:Step 2. Press Enter key and select B1, then drag the ...
Excel has the Trim formula to use for deleting extra spaces from text. Below you can find the steps showing how to use this option: Add the helper column to the end of your data. You can name it "Trim". In the first cell of the helper column (C2), enter the formula to trim exce...
To remove the non-breaking leading spaces from the dataset, we can use the SUBSTITUTE function inside the TRIM function to replace the non-breaking spaces with regular spaces. We use the steps below: Select cell B2 in the example dataset and enter the formula below: ...