代码如下: classSolution {public:intremoveElement(vector<int>& nums,intval) {intres =0;for(inti =0; i < nums.size(); ++i) {if(nums[i] != val) nums[res++] =nums[i]; }returnres; } }; Github 同步地址: https://github.com/grandyang/leetcode/issues/27 类似题目: Remove Duplicates ...
private static class SolutionV2020 { public int removeElement(int[] nums, int val) { if (null == nums || 0 == nums.length) { return 0; } int low = 0, high = nums.length - 1; while (low < high) { while (nums[high] == val && low < high) { high--; } while (nums[...
1classSolution {2public:3intremoveElement(vector<int>& nums,intval) {4intpos =0;5intsz =nums.size();6for(inti =0; i < sz; ++i){7if(nums[i] !=val){8nums[pos++] =nums[i];9}10}11returnpos;12}13}; java版本: 1publicclassSolution {2publicintremoveElement(int[] nums,intval) ...
My Solutions to Leetcode problems. All solutions support C++ language, some support Java and Python. Multiple solutions will be given by most problems. Enjoy:) 我的Leetcode解答。所有的问题都支持C++语言,一部分问题支持Java语言。近乎所有问题都会提供多个算
File metadata and controls Code Blame 32 lines (28 loc) · 768 Bytes Raw impl Solution { pub fn remove_kdigits(num: String, k: i32) -> String { let mut stack = vec![]; let mut k = k as usize; for ch in num.chars() { while let Some(&top) = stack.last() { if k >...
LeetCode 27 Remove Element } return len; } } Runtime: 4 ms, faster than 99.11% of Java online submissions for Remove 63320 Jenkins 配置CICD任务 持续部署名为jhipster-logstash的docker service jhipster-console yourcompany-monitor 持续部署名为jhipster-console的docker...service jhipster-dashboard ...
【LeetCode题解】19_删除链表的倒数第N个节点(Remove-Nth-Node-From-End-of-List) 更多LeetCode 题解笔记可以访问我的 github。 文章目录 描述 解法:双指针 思路 Java 实现 Python 实现 复杂度分析 描述 给定一个链表,删除链表的倒数第 n 个节点,并且返回链表的头结点。 示例: 说明: 给定的 n 保证是有效的...
Github 同步地址: https://github.com/grandyang/leetcode/issues/83 类似题目: Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II Remove Duplicates From an Unsorted Linked List 参考资料: https://leetcode.com/problems/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-list/ https://leetcode.com/problems/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-...
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:pencil2: 算法相关知识储备 LeetCode with Python :books:. Contribute to y-hann/leetCode development by creating an account on GitHub.