Every tile job I have completed always required thorough cleaning with a cloth after the grout and the haze on the tiles has dried. If not done the grout haze can solidify on the surface and create the hazing you may be trying to remove right now. On rare occasions, I find that even ...
Then, use an old toothbrush to scrub the grout lines until the discoloration fades away. This solution is especially helpful because not only does it help with the color, it helps to kill the bacteria and germs that are living in the grout. Kill Fungus It shouldn’t come as any surprise ...
then add a few drops of glycerine. Rinse well with water. If some stain remains, cautiously try a diluted solution of white vinegar. Make sure you work the stain outward from the center to avoid leaving a ring. Flush with water to remove the vinegar...
Follow these steps to remove coffee stains from Acrylic Plastic, Aluminum, Asphalt, Bamboo, Brass, Bronze, Cane, Ceramic Glass/Tile, Copper, Cork, Enamel, Glass, Gold, Grout, lron, Ivory, Jade, Linoleum, Paint/Flat, Paint/Gloss, Pewter, Plexiglas, Polyurethane, Stainless Steel, Tin, Vinyl...
Scrub the grout with a scrub brush using the bleach and water. Not Helpful 10 Helpful 17 Question Will removing black caulking around tub harm my cat after it's off? Community Answer It could. You should always clean up the area thoroughly once you're finished and dispose of the ...