Take the plastic bag to the bathroom and flush the feces down the toilet. Throw the bag away once you are done. Simply throwing the bag full of feces into an outdoor garbage can will move the smell from inside the home (or office or wherever you may be) and relocate it to another a...
I first soaked it in hot, hot water to try and loosen up the dried feces. (I WORE GLOVES FOR THIS) Then I sprayed it with Dreft Laundry stain remover, tons of it. and left it to soak. Then in a clean bucket of 2 gallons of super hot water I added about 1-2 cups of regular ...
If you’re a pet owner, you might have had the unfortunate experience of removing urine and otherpet stains and odorsfrom your carpets. We’ve got you covered there, as well!OxiClean™Carpet & Rug Pet Stain & Odor Remover Spraycan help remove stains and odors from pet urine, feces, ...
Couches and wall to wall carpetsare very difficult to fully clean; try steam cleaning; inspect carpet padding below carpets and replace it if it's stained or smelly; Concrete surfacessuch as basement or garage floors where a pet peed or pooped will need to be cleaned, perhaps disinfected, d...
2. Remove as much of the urine or feces as you possibly can before cleaning.Pick up all solids with tissues or a plastic bag and discard. If on a hard floor, soak up liquids with paper towels or tissues. If on a carpet, rug or other fabric, sprinkle the area with a commercially av...