delete 文件名 python中操作: 删除目录命令: ftp.rmd(目录名) 删除文件命令: ftp.delete(文件名) python3删除目录的例子如下: fromftplibimportFTP ftp= FTP(host=xx, user=xx, passwd=xx) ftp.cwd(dirname)foriinftp.nlst():print(i) ftp.delete(i) ftp.cwd("..") ftp.dir() ftp.rmd(dirname) 说...
vsftpd 匿名用户 550 Remove directory operation failed vsftpd匿名用户有哪几个 Vsftpd的用户设置之匿名用户 摘要:Vsftpd的用户分为三类:匿名用户、本地用户(local user)以及虚拟用户(guest)。总共分为三章节来分别讲述Vsftpd的用户设置。本文讲述的是Vsftpd的用户设置之匿名用户。 标签:Vsftpd Vsftpd的用户分为三类:匿...
FTP删除文件夹时提示550 Remove directory operation failed 最近在用一个远程的FTP服务器,发现某几个文件夹无论怎样都删除不掉。看着文件夹是空的,但就是无法删除,改名也是不行。后来经过百度才清楚,原来是隐藏文件搞得鬼。在FTP客户端上开启显示隐藏文件后,会发现目录下存在隐藏文件,删除隐藏文件后就能删除文件夹了...
Command: RMD deliver-master Response: 550 Remove directory operation failed. 问题原因 当服务器进行查看,发现目录存在 dot file(我们常说的隐藏文件,以点(.)开头的文件) 解决方法 修改vsftpd.conf 配置(如下),以强制显示所有的 dot file,并重启服务,再次进行删除: force_dot_files=YES 参考文献 K4NZ/Remo...
Command: RMD deliver-master Response: 550 Remove directory operation failed. 1. 2. 问题原因 当服务器进行查看,发现目录存在 dot file(我们常说的隐藏文件,以点(.)开头的文件) 解决方法 修改vsftpd.conf 配置(如下),以强制显示所有的 dot file,并重启服务,再次进行删除: ...
Result of operation. Detail Reason for failure or success. Possible Causes Cause 1: The input path is incomplete or invalid. Cause 2: The specified file name does not exist. Cause 3: The specified file name is a directory. Cause 4: Remove operations is successfully completed. Procedu...
Result of operation. Detail Reason for failure or success. Possible Causes Cause 1: The input path is incomplete or invalid. Cause 2: The specified file name does not exist. Cause 3: The specified file name is a directory. Cause 4: Remove operations is successfully completed. Procedure Caus...
Upgrade Failed when Installer cannot Parse your Installation Directory Unable to Upgrade to JIRA 4.4 due to Problems Reading the Installation Directory JIRA 5.2 Service cannot be started with a Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified It appears that JIRA is already ...
Open Active Directory Users and Computers. Select View, and then make sure that Advanced Features is selected. If it is not, select it. Navigate to the following container: Right-click Monitoring Mailboxes, select Properties, and then select the Security tab. Select Advanced on...
[MS-ADTS]section Any changes that need to be made to theobjectsare performed as anoriginating update, except for changes required to remove linkedattributevalues, which are simply removed from thedirectory.Attributesand values that already conform to the invariants are not changed. ...