解咒术丨Remove Curse< 法术 | AgelBot 于7个月前修改了此页面。 三环 防护(牧师、圣武士、邪术师、法师)施法时间: 1动作 施法距离: 触及法术成分: V、S持续时间: 立即 你的触碰立即为一个生物或一个物件解除其身上的所有诅咒。如果目标物体是一件被诅咒的魔法物品则其上的诅咒不会因此解除,不过本法术可以...
移除诅咒Remove Curse 3环 防护 施法时间:1动作 施法距离:触及 法术成分:V、S 持续时间:立即 你的触碰立即为一个生物或一个物件解除其身上的所有诅咒。如果目标物体是一件被诅咒的魔法物品则其上的诅咒不会因此解除,不过该法术可以打破诅咒物品与其所有者之间的同调,使其所有者可以将其卸下或丢弃。
19 How does the spell Remove Curse interact with a Sword of Vengeance? 2 Does the attack granted by the Vampiric Touch spell allow me to make a bonus-action weapon attack with Two-Weapon Fighting? 35 How can I deal with the Remove Curse spell spoiling my plot hook...
Bestow Curse states in the spell description that Remove Curse can... remove the curse. We also have the mention in the description of Greater Restoration that states that the spell can remove a curse. Can Dispel Magic also remove a curse imposed by Bestow Curse? dnd-5e-2014 spells ...
- `Unknown spell school Curse in sources[spell|ventus|wandsnwizards]`; similar for item types, item properties, conditions, skills, abilities, etc. This kind of error could be caused by a missing companion file (check dependencies at the top), or a missing definition in the homebrew file...
However, remember that the spell only removes a single effect—so if you use it to remove a level of exhaustion, it can’t also end a charm or curse. Class features If you’re playing a ranger PC, the 10th-level “Deft Explorer” feature allows them to remove 1 level of exhaustion ...
spell:5E/remove-curse 隐藏组 隐藏链入属性 这个页面没有设置属性。没有属性连接到此页。回到顶部 纯美苹果园 | D&D Beyond Dungeons & Dragons,D&D,龙与地下城及相关Logo均为Wizards of the Coast LLC的注册商标。本维基由用户自行创建、维护,与上述公司无关。 如无特殊标明,本维基记载的所有资料均出自...