bitsadmin /removeclientcertificate <job> 参数展开表 参数说明 作业(job) 该作业的显示名称或 GUID。示例要从名为 myDownloadJob 的作业中删除客户端证书,请输入以下命令:复制 bitsadmin /removeclientcertificate myDownloadJob 相关链接命令行语法项 bitsadmin 命令 反馈...
object.RemoveCertificate() 组成部分 object 一个ServerSettings 类对象,该对象表示 SQL Server 实例上的服务器设置。 属性值/返回值 一个uint32值,如果服务已成功修改,则为 0;如果不支持请求,则为 1;其他任何数字表示出现错误。 注解 另请参阅 配置服务器网络协议和网络...
8024200D trying to install the latest kb4054518 December 2017 Monthly Rollup on some Windows 2008 R2 A certificate chain processed Correctly, but one of the CA Certificate is not trusted by the policy provider. Error 0x800b0112 (-2146762478). A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a...
Check if CA certificate is still present on PKI configuration partition. Go to PKIView.msc, rigth-click on it and select Manage AD Container. Keep in mind that if you remove trusted cert from clients you may broke applications still relying on it.
从Windows PowerShell 3.0 开始,通过允许你使用 Remove-Item cmdlet 删除证书和私钥以及删除 LocalMachine 证书存储位置中用户创建的证书存储,Certificate 提供程序增强了它对管理用于 Web 托管的安全套接字层 (SSL) 证书的支持。但是,你无法使用此功能删除证书存储位置,例如 CurrentUser 或 LocalMachine,或者 Windows 创...
从Windows PowerShell 3.0 开始,通过允许你使用 Remove-Item cmdlet 删除证书和私钥以及删除 LocalMachine 证书存储位置中用户创建的证书存储,Certificate 提供程序增强了它对管理用于 Web 托管的安全套接字层 (SSL) 证书的支持。但是,你无法使用此功能删除证书存储位置,例如 CurrentUser 或 LocalMachine,或者 Windows 创...
3. Delete the certificate. There should be one or two prompts when you try to delete it - you must answer "Yes" in both cases to fully remove the certificate. Regards, Lini Progress Telerik Tags Windows Asked by improwise Answers by ...
Signing certificateTo create a digital signature, you have to have a signing certificate, which proves identity. When you send a digitally-signed macro or document, you also send your certificate and public key. Certificates are issued by a certification authority, and l...
Signing certificateTo create a digital signature, you have to have a signing certificate, which proves identity. When you send a digitally-signed macro or document, you also send your certificate and public key. Certificates are issued by a certification authority, and like a ...
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates Namespace System.Security.Permissions Namespace System.Security.Principal Namespace System.ServiceModel Namespace System.ServiceModel.Channels Namespace System.ServiceModel.Description Namespace System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher Namespace ...