git config --global alias.gbr '!git branch | grep -v "master" | xargs git branch -D' To run the command, just run this: git gbr Awesome when you're finishing up a sprint and don't need your local copies anymore!brandon martinezSocial...
If you usegit push --set-upstream someBranchto push a branch to remote, then these branches are merged, you dogit branch -a, you may find a lot of branches, which is ugly. git branchshows local branches. git branch -rshows remote branches. git branch -ashows all branches. $ git br...
git fetch -p #checkout HEAD to the branch which you will never delete, here is master as example git checkout master flag="no" for local in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads/) do { flag="no" for remote in $(git branch -r) ...
git remote prune origin 过程 首先查看.git隐藏文件夹,发现执行git branch -a命令其实就是展示.git/refs/remotes文件夹的目录结构而已。然后自然会想到git remote命令,通过执行git remote --help查看帮助手册可以看到,确实有一条命令是用来同步的,那便是git remote prune ©著作权归作者所有,转载或内容合作请联系...
git branch --merged | egrep -v "(^\*|master|main|dev)" | xargs git branch -d It delete all merged branches in the master|main|dev branches. Remove old branches The script deletes old remote and local branches of your git-repository in interactive mode ...
git commit -a -m "Your message comes here" Once a commit is executed you click the branch name (in this example, master) and it will show you an option to create a new branch, but it will also show you the commit ID your branch is using. ...
在.git目录下有一个名字叫做HEAD的文件,HEAD文件通常是一个符号引用(symbolic reference)指向目前所在的分支。所谓符号引用,表示它是一个指向其他引用的指针。 如果我们在工作区checkout一个SHA-1值,HEAD引用也会指向这个包含Git对象的SHA-1值。 标签引用 Git标签分为,附注标签和轻量标签。轻量标签,使用git tag v...
git常见指令整理 文章目录git常见指令整理1.gitremote 远程分支管理1.gitremote 不带参数,列出已经存在的远程分支2.gitremote -v | --verbose3.gitremote add url 添加一个远程仓库4.解除本地项目和远程库的关联5.延伸——github的push总是要求输入用户名密码2.gitbranch 分支管理分支是什么?1.查看当前分 ...
remove the local committs in git git how to discard local commits remove all local commits in branh how to clear commits local delete local commits in git how to delete all the commits in git delete all commits in local branch clear all local commits git how to delete a git commit loca...
> git status git status On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) filename.ext We tell Git to track files using thegit addandgit commitcommands. This tells Git to record the cur...