1. Remove.bg Remove.bg 是一款专注于去背的工具,它使用AI深度学习算法,能快速将商品主体与背景分离。用户只需上传图片,几秒钟后就能获得处理后图像,背景可轻松更换。优点在于处理速度快、操作简单,但对于复杂背景的识别能力有限,有时需要手动调整。 2. Photoshop Express 作为Adobe家族的一员,Photoshop Express将强...
综上所述,各种工具各有千秋,Remove.bg 适合快速去背景,Canva 适合综合设计,Photoshop 适合专业用户,而搜狐简单AI 则是新手用户的理想之选。尤其是搜狐简单AI,以其“功能丰富”“操作简单”“适合新手用户”的特点而受到广泛欢迎,值得大家体验。
The preset AI-powered Remove Background tool in Photoshop streamlines the process, making it easier than ever to achieve polished and clean photos with minimal effort. Start free trialView plans and pricing By using Photoshop Preview, you agree to theAdobe Termsof use andPrivacy Policy....
由byteq 开发人员 Benjamin Groessing 所开发的 remove.bg 是一款基于 Python、Ruby 和深度学习的抠图工具,它通过 AI 技术自动识别前景层,然后将之与背景层分离开来。为了改善分离的细节效果和防止「串色」,团队还专门增加了相关算法。 不过Benjamin Groessing 也在个人推特上强调了,remove.bg 目前只能针对含有人像的...
Remove.bg 基于 Python、Ruby 和深度学习技术开发而来,提供网页版和电脑版客户端。它通过强大的 AI 人工智能算法实现自动识别出前景主体与背景图,并将它们分离开来,实际效果非常的不错。不仅对吃瓜群众、PS 初学者特别有用,即便是专业设计师也能利用它大大减轻抠图的负担。实际效果如下图:“只需要 5 秒,奇迹就发...
Snip AI - Remove BG, PNG Maker Ratings and Reviews 4.3 out of 5 61 RatingsBuckinghnt , 11/05/2024 Simplifies a tedious process in seconds I have been paying $22/mo for Adobe Photoshop and the only things I use it for are removing the background from a photo or once in a...
What if you want to remove the white background from a .AI file and save it as a .AI file. I believe I need to save it as a .AI file because the PNG image is - 2189499
打开Adobe Photoshop:首先启动Adobe Photoshop软件。 导入图片:在Photoshop中导入需要去除背景的图片。 选择Remove Background功能:在工具栏或菜单中找到并选择Remove Background功能。 移除背景:根据界面提示,稍等片刻,AI将自动为您移除图片中的背景。 保存输出图片:完成背景移除后,保存处理后的图片。
Snip AI - Remove BG, PNG MakerRatings and Reviews 4.3out of 5 60 Ratings CdwLittleOne,12/12/2023 Nice I’m giving 5 stars because I’m on the free version. It just takes the background off which it did a great job. It was a bracelet and it was clean cut. I tried another progr...
The 'Gas Turbine_jpg_w_Background.ai' file has a large gray back ground which blends nicely to the JLooxMaker background, however image is not at desired size because of background boarder & image also is not as clear as desired The 'Gas Turbine_jpg_w_Background_Resized....