Some carbon/activated carbon filters can remove asbestos, chlorine, lead,mercuryand volatile organic compounds (VOCs), but carbon filters cannot remove arsenic,fluoride, nitrate or percholate. Filters also vary greatly by manufacturer, and some may only remove chlorine. ...
When hazardous materials are involved. A house built before 1980 might have floor and ceiling tiles containingasbestos, as well as lead paint. These building materials are known health hazards, and a certified contractor is trained to safely remove them. To deal with structural damage. Extensive w...
I hope you get some more safety gear soon — I’m betting that breathing that dust in would be really rough on your lungs. Best of luck on finishing the bathroom quickly! Reply Debbie says: Jan 25 2020 at 8:17 pm So should i worry about asbestos in my drywall? We are retiling...
If your home was built prior to the early 80s, the ceiling texture could contain asbestos. Asbestos fibres are generally not dangerous unless they are airborne, which they will become if you scrape the texture. These fibres are microscopic and when breathed in can get lodged in your lungs. T...
Exposuretoairborneasbestosmaycausecancerorotherlungdiseases. PugetSoundCleanAirAgencyassumesnoliabilityorresponsibilityforhousedamage,injuries, illnesses,orrelatedhealthproblemsarisingfromyouperforminganasbestosremovalproject. Youassumeallrisksinvolved. Thispublicationislimitedtotheremovalofpopcornceilings,oneofthethreemost...
Breathing through a respirator is more difficult than normal breathing, thus placing an additional stress on heart and lungs. Protective clothing can be hot and uncomfortable. Work space can become very humid due to the water used in wetting the asbestos. Eye protection often results in reduced ...
If you are exposed to asbestos, its fibers can enter your body and cause serious health problems. These fibers cannot be naturally broken down by the body and can get lodged in your lungs or body tissues. It usually affects the respiratory system. Some primary diseases that are directly ...