Learn how to use the Microsoft PowerShell command Remove-AppxPackage. PDQ breaks down uses of Remove-AppxPackage with parameters and helpful examples.
PowerShell 复制 Remove-AppxPackage [-Package] <String> [-PreserveRoamableApplicationData] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell 复制 Remove-AppxPackage [-Package] <String> [-AllUsers] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]...
I start a new PowerShell prompt as administrator and type: Get-AppxPackage | Where-Object {$_.PackageFullName -like "*solitaire*"} | Remove-AppxPackage -Allusers This results in the following error output: When I run the exact same command onlywithoutthe -Allusers parameter. The rem...
To remove app packages (.appx) that are not provisioned or to remove a package for a particular user only, use Remove-AppxPackage instead.ExamplesExample 1: Remove an app package from an imagePowerShell 复制 PS C:\> Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Path c:\offline -PackageName MyAppxPkg...
PowerShell Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage-PackageName<String>-Path<String> [-WindowsDirectory <String>] [-SystemDrive <String>] [-LogPath <String>] [-ScratchDirectory <String>] [-LogLevel <LogLevel>] [<CommonParameters>] Description TheRemove-AppxProvisionedPackagecmdlet removes app packages (.ap...
使用Windows PowerShell 自动运行 Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack 使用Windows PowerShell 自动运行适用于 Windows Server 的 Windows Azure Pack Identity and Access Automation with Windows PowerShell Learn 使用Windows PowerShell 编写脚本 Windows and Windows Server Automation with Windows PowerShell ...
[Intent is to execute the .exe or .bat during MSIX uninstallation. Note: I have tried PowerShell script, but our clients may not be having permission to run PowerShell script.] Thank you so much for your prompt response. TIMOTHY_MANGAN ...
Next I will run the same style of PowerShell for the packages installed for the current user. Not entirely sure this step is required, but I like to be thorough. You will see there are many more app options here! Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Out-GridView -PassThru | Remove-AppxPackage...
With MSIX, you have different Powershell cmdlets that you can take advantage of. You can find the most used ones in one of our articleshere. Let’s take, for instance -Add-AppProvisionedPackage. This is an alias for the oldAdd-AppxProvisionedPackage. ...
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