I’m hoping someone has an idea for how to remove the marker without damaging the portrait. It was rather expensive to have the portrait done and custom framed professionally. My mother would rather leave the marker than try things to remove the marker without someone with experience advising ...
Soda blasting is particularlyeffective at removing light rust, mill scale, spray-paint graffiti, and fire damage soot without damaging the base material underneath. Does walnut blasting improve MPG? Improvements you can expect after walnut blasting the intake valves include: Better throttle response. ...
You can easily and safely remove overspray from wood without damaging the surface. Take a clean rag and add a few drops of olive oil to it. Wrap the cloth around the end of a plastic putty knife. Gently scrape the overspray off of the wood with the putty knife. If you need to, add...